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5 Resources For When You're Stumped

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

Crumpled paper.

Coming up with ideas for writing can be a difficult process. Regardless, if you want to start writing a novel, or if you need ideas to practice your writing these resources will be a great help.

This is a fun program that can randomize story ideas for you in a few clicks. You can narrow down your options by choosing a genre or type of piece you’d like to write. If you already have a story that you’ve started, there are generators that can help you come up with a way to get around your writer's block. You fill out the information on your characters and plot and it will give you suggestions on what to write next for your story.

“The Dangerous Writing Prompt App” is definitely a terrifying title. However, before you brush it off you should test it out. The reason why this app is considered dangerous is because this app will delete your work if you stop writing. You set a timer for how long you’d like to write, which can be for as short as three minutes and then you write without stopping in that time. If you pause for too long the app will erase your work and you will have to start over. This is excellent for practicing your freewriting as it forces you to write without thinking. If you’re really stumped about what to write about, there is an option for the app to generate a prompt for you.

This is an Instagram profile dedicated solely to posting writing prompts. Each post can suggest either a plot, concept, dialogue or character that can jump start your writing. If you really want to start writing stories this is a great account to follow for ideas and inspiration.

This is another randomized prompt website. With the click of a button you’re given a character, situation, prop, and setting to send you on your way with your story. Since all the elements are random, you might encounter a combination that will be difficult to write about. This could be a fun way to challenge yourself through writing, but if you prefer you can always shuffle the prompts again.

On this site you can hover your mouse over the list of numbers to reveal a prompt. It might be a line of dialogue, a list of words, a concept, a metaphor, etc. Whatever it is, this website is a great resource to spark your creativity for writing.

Any one of these resources are great for getting started. Some of the randomized prompts might be silly at first, but there’s always a chance that these prompts could lead you to writing something amazing. You might even be prompted to come up with a better idea through these prompts. So if you’re ever stumped, refer back to this article for help and you’ll be on your way to writing in no time!

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